How to donate

Helping The Audley Foundation

There are a number of ways to directly help The Foundation.

JustGiving logo

Online at

JustGiving enables charities to easily collect donations from anywhere in the world.

You can donate directly to The Audley Foundation at

Amazon Smile

Easy Fundraising

We’re using easyfundraising, a free fundraising platform that allows us to earn when you shop online at over 7,000 brands.
It’s a great way for you to support us without it costing you a penny.

Set up Easy Fundraising

Bank transfer

  • Sort code: 401160
  • Account Number: 21352253
  • IBAN: GB31HBUK40116021352253
  • UK Swift: HBUKGB4B

Gift Aid

HMRC Charities reference number: ZD12256

Cheque payment

Please make payable to The Audley Foundation.